Job Spam

Things that make it obvious that your “job offer” is just a piece of spam you’re throwing at the wall to see what sticks:

  • Saying you found my resume on or some other job site when I have never ever registered or even visited the site in question.

  • Saying you found my resume on a site I did sign up for, and then blatently ignoring that my account is marked as “not willing to relocate” and offering me a job in backwater Arkansas, Montana, Tennessee, or South Dakota. There is exactly one place I want to relocate to, and that is the west coast.

  • Requiring knowledge in technologies that aren’t even mentioned in passing on my resume.

  • Looking for “Rock Start” software engineers to join a start-up.

  • Advertising your start-up with a bullet point of “e-commerce… e-commerce… e-commerce”.

  • Having your offer email include a footnote saying “Message sent with an unregistered version of MailList King!”. Nothing says legitimate like a recruiter who uses an unregistered piece of spam software.
